Cedar Grove
Missionary Baptist Church
Church History
The Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church began in 1882 with a small community of people wanting to uplift and praise the name of the Lord by being obedient to God's Word. This community was known was for the love of God, His people, and for the caring, sharing and love of others. In times of depression and stress, each family would pull together and lend a helping hand to those in need. It was agape love, the energy and zeal that made this church known by many other surrounding areas. This church became a spiritual pillar for this community and many others that lived near and far. During these times, there wasn't much school book learning, but certainly a time to come and worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.
The Word of God was preached with such authority that the presence of the Lord was always there. You would hear, many saints saying, "I said I wasn't going to tell nobody, but I couldn't keep it to myself." The Master's Word was preached and then passed to others. It was definitely felt within your heart and constantly was on your mind. Unlike today, there wasn't too many forms of communication available. Whenever, there was illness, a death or birth, or any kind of emergency, a bell was rung from the little red schoolhouse. We are pleased and happy to say that the bell still exist today. It swings proudly from the steeple of the late "Deacon John Henry Lester" Bell Tower.
Through the years Cedar Grove Missionary Baptist Church has had many great leaders who have all added something special to this great ministry.
Rev. Edward L. McCree was lead by the spirit to move worship services from 1st and 3rd Sundays to every Sunday.
Rev. Alfred O. Roby had a vision to add to the church building. Lead by the spirit he orchestrated the building of our present sanctuary in 1982.
Rev. Gary Martin stood in the gap, serving as pastor for a short tenure during the midst of a struggle.
Rev. Patrick V. Smith from Nassau, Bahamas brought music and worship back into the church. He played the organ and got the youth involved. The mass and youth choir were able to travel to the Bahamas under his leadership.
Rev. Robert L. Collins really loved to preach the word and his period as pastor was truly blessed. Several beautification projects went forth including the John H. Lester Bell Tower and the J.C. McFarland Fellowship hall.
Rev. Lowarn Dixon coined our church slogan, "The church were love is in action!" Also, our current sanctuary was remodeled under his leadership.
Current Day
In 2015, God sent us one that sat patiently and waited for God to speak to him. Pastor Steve Willingham and his beautiful wife had joined the Cedar Grove Church family. They began to be faithful, dedicated workers for the lord. Pastor Steve would constantly fill in at other churches when Pastor Dixon was unavailable. When Cedar Grove was once again without a pastor, the Lord spoke to him and told him to be about his father's business. When he became pastor, he let the church know immediately that he would be obedient to what God had in store for the church. He has the love for God's people and never meets a stranger. He believes if he follows God, and we follow him, the Lord will truly bless this church. He has shown this church time and time again, if you thank the Lord and praise Him in advance, God will always have a blessing for you. He is a humble Pastor who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty for the Lord. The church has grown mentally, physically and definitely spiritually under his leadership. The church has added more Deacons, more Ministers, more faithful hard workers. Each auxiliary is blessed and supported by all. The church supports and love Pastor Willingham & Minister Willingham let this church continue in love and unity.